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Park Tickets

New Discount Disney Park Tickets Offer for Groups

Disney Large Group Offer

Disney has released a new ticket offer targeted at large families or groups of 6 or more. If you purchase 6 Disney park tickets or more of 4 days or more you’ll get a free day added to each ticket. Unfortunately this offer can’t be booked online, you have to call (844) 2GETHER or (844) 243-8437 or book through a travel agent to take advantage of this offer.

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The Best Options for Discount Disney Park Tickets

discount disney park tickets

Navigating the maze of Disney park tickets can leave your head spinning – between all of the options, vendors, packages and specials available you can spend days trying to get the best deal.  I’m here to help you save yourself a lot of time and hopefully some money by simply outlining what your best options for discount Disney Park tickets that you can find right now.

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Is the Water Park Fun & More Option Worth It?

Blizzard Beach

The Water Park Fun & More option is an add on that you can select when purchasing your Disney tickets.  Park tickets will be one of the most expensive if not the single largest expense for a Walt Disney World vacation. Disney provides many options when purchasing your tickets to help cater your tickets to your vacation but at the same time can add some confusion as to which options to select and what will provide you with the best value.

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Disney Raises Single Day Park Tickets

One Day Will Cost You

Disney has quietly raised single day park ticket prices by $4 for all four theme parks. Magic Kingdom is now up to a whopping $99/day while the other 3 parks will set you back $94/day. Ouch.

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The Case Against Park Hopping

Park Hopping at Disney World

Tickets are among the highest expenses for your Disney vacation – most families are easily dropping over $1,000 alone just for park tickets.  With tickets being such a huge expense I started looking for some ways to minimize the costs of those very expensive tickets.

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